Credit cards are convenient, but they aren’t “instant cash”. Don’t use them for impulse purchases and charge only what you can afford. As much as possible, pay your credit card bill in full to avoid interest and other charges.
Do you have credit card debt? Use these tips to get your OFW finances back on track:
- Stop using your card. Use a debit card or an e-wallet for cashless transactions. If necessary, leave your credit card at home to prevent temptation.
- Prioritize paying off debt. Focus on high-interest cards first, allocating extra payments to clear those balances.
- Rework your budget. Identify areas where you can cut back, so you can redirect your funds to paying off debt.
- Consider debt consolidation. If you have several credit cards with outstanding balances and high interest rates, you can combine the debt by taking out a personal loan to pay everything off or transferring all the debt to one credit card. Consolidating debt simplifies payments since you only think about one bill and due date. You may also be able to get lower interest.
Start investing
Investing makes your money work for you.You buy assets that can generate income in the future, such as stocks and bonds, mutual funds, variable life insurance and real estate.
Always research before you invest your money. Ask about the investment risks and returns. Gather information and supporting documents so you have a clearer idea of the value and cost. For example, if you are purchasing a condominium, you’ll want to consider the reputation of the developer, location and administrative fees.
It’s also important to check the background and credentials of the company or person who is offering the investment. Some companies like BPI-AIA have already established a reputation and history. For independent brokers, check their license or affiliation.
Under Philippine law, stockbrokers, insurance agents and real estate brokers need a license to sell any investment product. Real estate agents don’t need a license but must be supervised or accredited by a broker. Check their license at the Philippine Regulation Commission’s website and click Verification of License.
Start retirement planning
A retirement plan usually includes a combination of savings, investments and insurance. You secure a source of income and funds and prepare for any health emergencies.
But how much do you need to retire comfortably? You need to consider the cost of housing, food, healthcare and other things that are personally important to you. For example, you may want to travel or set up a legacy for your children.
BPI AIA can help you plan for your retirement. The Bancassurance representatives can show you different options and recommend a plan based on your age, current financial situation and your retirement goals.
Explore your financial options
It’s never too late to prevent or solve OFW financial problems. You can rein in expenses with a budget, build your savings and reduce your debt. You can also use financial instruments to grow your wealth and protect yourself from financial emergencies.
BPI AIA offers many kinds of savings and insurance plans for OFWs. Contact us to explore your options and get personalized advice from a Bancassurance representative.