
Affordable insurance para sa buong pamilya

icon health


A convenient and affordable starter family life insurance that provides your entire household instant basic protection against the financial burdens of unexpected medical emergencies, accidents or death

Issue age (Main insured)

18 to 64 years old

Issue age (Dependent)

18 to 64 years old (Adult)

14 days to 21 years old (Minor)

Coverage period

Annual renewable term

Buy via

• Web or mobile browser

• PamilyaProtect Facebook Messenger


Policy benefits

Available plans

Member type Plan ₱1M Plan ₱2M
Life insurance Accidental death, dismemberment, disability Daily hospital income benefit Life insurance Accidental death, dismemberment, disability Daily hospital income benefit
Main insured ₱1,000,000 ₱1,000,000 ₱1,000 ₱2,000,000 ₱2,000,000 ₱1,000
Adult dependents (Spouse/Parents) ₱1,000,000 ₱1,000,000 N/A ₱2,000,000 ₱2,000,000 N/A
Minor dependents (Children/Siblings) ₱1,000,000 ₱1,000,000 N/A ₱2,000,000 ₱2,000,000 N/A

The table shows benefits and coverage amount for each PamilyaProtect plan

Protect your family today

Buy PamilyaProtect online and get insured right away

Insurance lingo

An amount of money paid all at once to the policy owner, insured, or beneficiary/ies, depending on the policy’s terms and conditions. Examples are death benefit, and maturity benefit.

It is your named beneficiary, who is 17 years old and below

Frequently asked questions

PamilyaProtect is a group yearly renewable term packaged plan that addresses basic protection and hospitalization needs exclusively for BPI Accountholders. With PamilyaProtect, you can protect your family and get coverage for you and your dependents via fast and hassle-free online purchase and fulfillment.

  • Life insurance benefits provide financial protection to beneficiaries upon the death of the insured.
  • Accidental Death, Disablement and Dismemberment pays additional insurance coverage in case of death, dismemberment, loss of use of one or more body parts, or total & permanent disability caused by an accident.
  • Hospital Income Benefit pays a fixed cash benefit for every full day of hospital confinement due to either illness or accident.

You can choose from the following options:

PamilyaProtect is available for BPI accountholders 18-64 years old.

No medical examination is required for you or your dependents. Proof of good health is also not required upon application.

Your insurance coverage shall take effect upon the confirmation of the receipt of the first premium payment.

Your whole family can be covered with PamilyaProtect. You may insure up to 5 qualified dependents:

All claims will be processed based on the completeness of the documents submitted and will be subject to review.

This is for illustration purposes only. Death benefits will be paid based on hierarchy of surviving qualified beneficiaries as stated in the terms and conditions and applicable laws. Benefits under dependent coverage will be payable to the insured first.

For benefits payable under life benefit:

No restriction on pre-existing conditions, subject to incontestability provision in the group master policy contract.

For benefits payable under accidental death, dismemberment and disablement:

Benefits for injury or illness caused by pre-existing condition are not payable. Pre-existing condition means any illness or condition occurring before the Effective Date of the Member’s Coverage. For this purpose, an illness or condition has occurred when it has been investigated, diagnosed or treated or when its signs or symptoms have manifested which would cause an ordinary prudent person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment.

For benefits payable under hospital income benefit:

During the first 12 months from Effective Date, benefits are not payable if resulting from any pre-existing condition, or from any injury / illness sustained prior to Effective Date. Pre-existing condition means any illness or condition occurring six (6) months before the Effective Date of a Member’s coverage. For this purpose, an illness or condition has occurred when it has been investigated, diagnosed or treated, or when its signs or symptoms have manifested which would cause an ordinary prudent person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment.

Premiums can be paid via Auto Charge Arrangement (ACA) using BPI credit or debit cards.

You will receive a copy of the eOR (electronic official receipt) via your registered email address.

You can email us at requesting for termination of coverage at least one month before the next premium payment date.

This FAQ contains only a brief description of the product and is for illustration purposes only. The complete terms and conditions are found in the policy contract. In the event of conflict between this FAQ and the policy, the policy shall prevail.

Terms & conditions

Payment of benefits are subject to the terms, conditions, definitions, exclusions, and limitations found in the policy contract.

This material describes the main benefits of PamilyaProtect and is for illustration purposes only. The complete terms and conditions are found in the policy contract. In the event of conflict between this material and the policy, the policy shall prevail.

The financial products of BPI AIA Life Assurance Corp. are not insured by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation and are not guaranteed by the Bank of the Philippine Islands.

Life Insurance Benefit exclusions
If a Member dies by suicide within one (1) year from the effective date or latest reinstatement date, whichever is later, of such Member’s individual insurance coverage, the Company’s liability shall be limited to a return of premiums paid for such Member’s coverage. However, suicide committed in a state of insanity shall be compensable regardless of the date of commission.

Accidental Death, Dismemberment and Disability Benefit exclusions
No payment under this benefit shall be made for any loss caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly:

(a) by intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide or any attempt thereat, while sane or insane;
(b) by war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, acts of terrorism, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), mutiny, riot, civil commotion, strike, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrections, conspiracy, military or usurped power, martial law or state of siege, or any of the events or causes which determine the proclamation or maintenance of martial law or state of siege, seizure, quarantine, or under the order of any government or public or local authority;
(c) by any weapon or instrument employing atomic fission, thermonuclear fusion or any form of radiation, whether in time of peace or war;
(d) by homicide or assault, or any attempt thereof, or physical injuries, occasioned by the provocation of the Member;
(e) by congenital anomalies and conditions arising therefrom;
(f) by pregnancy and resulting childbirth, miscarriage or abortion;
(g) by cosmetic or plastic surgery, except as a result of Injury;
(h) while the Member is in active service in the Armed Forces of any country or any international authority;
(i) while in any attempted commission of, or willful participation by the Member in any crime punishable under any prevailing law or ordinance of the Philippines or of any country in which the crime was attempted;
(j) while resisting lawful arrest;
(k) while entering, leaving, operating, servicing, or being in, on, or about any aerial or submarine device or conveyance, except while as a passenger (not as an operator or crew member), boarding or alighting from a certified passenger aircraft provided by a commercial airline on any regular, scheduled or non-scheduled, special or chartered flight, and operated by a properly certified pilot flying between duly established and maintained airports over an established passenger route;
(l) by dental care or surgery except to natural teeth as occasioned by Injury;
(m) while under the influence of alcohol or unprescribed drugs;
(n) by alcoholism or drug addiction;
(o) by disease, bacterial infection or out of or consequent upon or contributed to by Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC);
(p) by hernia, ptomaines, or other bacterial infections which are not pyogenic infections occurring at the same time with or because of any accidental cut or wound;
(q) by circumcision, sterilization, artificial insemination, sex transformation, diagnosis and treatment of infertility, congenital deformities and defects;
(r) by mental or nervous disorders;
(s) by poison, gas or fumes voluntarily or involuntarily taken;
(t) by automobile and motorcycle racing, judo, karate and similar martial arts, scuba diving, hang gliding and sky-diving;
(u) by routine health checks, any investigation(s) not directly related to admission diagnosis, illness or injury, or any treatment or investigation which is not medically necessary, or convalescence, custodial or rest care

Hospital Income Benefit exclusions
No payment shall be made under this benefit for Illness, Injury, Hospitalization or any charges caused directly, wholly or partly:

(a) by intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide or any attempt thereat, while sane or insane;
(b) by war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, acts of terrorism, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), mutiny, riot, civil commotion, strike, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrections, conspiracy, military or usurped power, martial law or state of siege, or any of the events or causes which determine the proclamation or maintenance of martial law or state of siege, seizure, quarantine, or nationalization by or under the order of any government or public or local authority;
(c) by any weapon or instrument employing atomic fission, thermonuclear fusion or any form of radiation, whether in time of peace or war;
(d) by murder, frustrated murder or any attempt thereof;
(e) by homicide, frustrated homicide or any attempt thereof, or physical injuries, occasioned by the provocation of the Member;
(f) by congenital anomalies and conditions arising therefrom;
(g) by pregnancy and resulting childbirth, miscarriage or abortion;
(h) by cosmetic or plastic surgery, except as a result of Injury;
(i) while the Member is in active service in the Armed Forces of any country or any international authority and in such an event, we, upon written notification by the Assured, shall return the pro-rata premium for any such period of service;
(j) while in any attempted commission of, or willful participation by the Member in, any crime punishable under any prevailing law or ordinance of the Philippines or of any country in which the crime was attempted;
(k) while resisting lawful arrest;
(l) while entering, leaving, operating, servicing, or being in, on, or about any aerial or submarine device or conveyance except as specifically provided herein;
(m) by dental care or surgery except to natural teeth as occasioned by Injury;
(n) routine health checks, any investigation(s) not directly related to admission diagnosis, illness or injury, or any treatment or investigation which is not medically necessary, or convalescence, custodial or rest care;
(o) while under the influence of alcohol or unprescribed drugs;
(p) by alcoholism or drug addiction;
(q) by disease, bacterial infection or out of or consequent upon or contributed to by Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC);
(r) by hernia, ptomaines, or other bacterial infections which are not pyogenic infections occurring at the same time with or because of any accidental cut or wound;
(s) by circumcision, sterilization, artificial insemination, sex transformation, diagnosis and treatment of infertility, congenital deformities and defects;
(t) by psychosis, mental or nervous disorders, sleep disturbance disorders;
(u) by automobile and motorcycle racing, judo, karate and similar martial arts, scuba diving, hang-gliding and sky-diving;
(v) by poison, gas or fumes voluntarily or involuntarily taken.

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